Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Book 10

Hey Delo is back and now I'm blogging from Circe's Island. Another goddess who kept Odysseus because she is beautiful. She turned some of the men into pigs and Odysseus had to save them. Hermes helped Odysseus save the men by giving moly which stopped Circe's powers. When we eventually started to leave Circes gave us advice to go to the underworld and find Tireceas to get advice on how to get home.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Book 9

Hey now its Guber. We finally got off Calypso's Island and we landed at the city of Cicones. They are our enemies so we raided and robbed the city until the drove us away. We came to the Coast Line of the Lotus Eaters. We landed there to take on water. Some of our friends went out to find food and ate some Lotus. They soon became forgetful of their home land. So ofcourse Odysseus had to save the day and take the men and tie them to the ships. After the Lotus Eaters we went to the island of The Cyclopes. We entered his cave and he ate six of our men!!! Odyseus made a plan and then stabbed him in the eye. We got out by hanging on sheep as the Cyclopes let them out.

Book 1

Hey Delo here and we are stuck on Calypso's island. Freaken Odysseus can't pull himself away from her. everywhere he goes she is watching him.We have been here for seven years and we want to get out of here.